WAKE Ministries and MERNA Church has expanded their Sacks of Hope outreach to the villages of Agou and Zozokondzi. After being granted approval by the local government to leave Kpalime, WAKE Ministries and MERNA Church passed out Sacks of Hope to families in need at Agou and Zozokondzi on Monday, May 18th. There were 52 families reached in Agou and 57 families reached in Zozokondzi. The area chief of Agou was present as well as the chief of Zozokondzi and the 4 notables (advisors) as well. After the outreach, the chief of Zozokondzi told Pastor Roger that he has been so touched by our action and that as a church we are so different from other churches because we love helping the village grow. What an awesome way to show the love of Jesus and expand the Kingdom of God. As of Monday, May 18th the Sacks of Hope outreaches have impacted 222 families which is more than 1000 people. Praise God!!!
Sacks of Hope – Agou & Zozokondzi